
Welcome to my green world! I am not only an authorized and professional Stockholm guide, but also hold a tourist guide license for Uppsala. With my many years of experience in production, guiding and storytelling, I now tell Uppsala in a new way. With its history, Uppsala has captivated people for years. The city was home to the world-famous scientist Carl von Linné, who studied, researched and taught in Uppsala during the 18th century. Here you will also find Scandinavia´s largest and oldest church, one of the Nordic´s oldest universities and the symbolic Linnaeus Garden.  Feel free to visit the Museum Gustavianum in Sweden´s oldest university building, where you will find the famous dissection hall from the 17th century. If you want to walk in the footsteps of Carl von Linné, we recommend a trip to the Botanical Garden and the Linné Museum. The Royal Mounds (Kungshögarna) is the name of the three large barrows located in Gamla Uppsala. According to folklore, the three gods Thor, Oden and Freys would be at rest in Kungshögarna. 

Uppsala Unveiled

Feline Frolics, Royal Revelry, and Cultural Capers 

Explore Uppsala magical City via an easy going walking tour in a small group. We will wind our way through gardens, charming courtyards narrow and more modern architecture while sharing stories of the city's origins and colorful, sometimes bloody, history. We will start in front of Carolina Rediviva (the revived Carolina Academy) that refers to an older university building, which was demolished in the 18th century. We walk through the Botanical garden and and an English garden meanwhile you learn about the famous Swedish biologist and physician Carl von Linné known as the "father of modern taxonomy.  Stops along the way include the charming quartier of Övre Slottsgatan, the Rune stones and the grand finale will be an exploration of Sweden's religious history and a stop by the oldest structure in town, the majestic Uppsala's Cathedral. Tour is lead by a native English speaker with local knowledge but with an international perspective. Tour will end in a historic patisserie with Swedish coffee and a classic student pastry.

Important information

  • Price 495 SEK per person
  • Meeting point: In front of Carolina Rediviva, Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 1, Uppsala. 
  • Fridays at 13.00 - 15.00
  • Bring comfortable clothes and shoes, water, sunglasses, sunscreen, camera
  • Tour will take place in all weather conditions, so please dress for the season. An umbrella or raincoat is always helpful. Streets are cobble stone, but the walking tour is at an easy, casual pace and does not include stairs or steep hills. 
  • Main language is English so a good to high level of understanding is recommended. Children 13 and under are free of charge. 
  • Tour is refundable within 24 hours of booking. Rescheduling is possible in some circumstances, please contact me directly.
  • Private tours are available. Large group discounts can apply. Special times can be arranged.
  • Carolina Rediviva
  • the Botanical Garden
  • Pelle Svanslös playground
  • Övre Slottsgatan
  • Uppsala Cathedral
  • Swedish fika included